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Millennium Fellowship Impact Report 2023

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2023 Impact Report IntroIntroYear in ReviewProgram OverviewClass of 20230103050731172125Career ExposureTrainingConnectionsCredentialsMillennium FellowshipPage 0113Project Impact35Overall Experience37Alumni Spotlights40AppendixKey Partnerships 38

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The Millennium Fellowship program supportsundergraduate student leaders committed toadvancing the Sustainable Development Goals(SDGs) worldwide to turn their aspirations intomeaningful action, shaping a brighter future forcommunities worldwide. 2023 Impact Report IntroMillennium FellowshipPage 02

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2023In ReviewThe Millennium Fellowship is aglobal, undergraduate, leadershipdevelopment program that supportsand empowers young leaders whoare working towards achieving theUN Sustainable Development Goals intheir respective communities.This year's Fellowship broughttogether a diverse group of 4,000+young leaders from over 160campuses across 38 countries, whoworked tirelessly over the course offour months to develop andimplement innovative projects aimedat addressing pressing globalchallenges. Through the Fellowship,these young leaders received thesupport, mentorship, and resourcesthey needed to turn their ideas intotangible actions that are driving positive change in their communitiesand beyond.This Impact Report provides adetailed overview of the Fellowship'saccomplishments for the Class of2023, highlighting the inspiringprojects that Fellows implemented,the partnerships they forged, and theimpact they made. It also sheds lighton the challenges and lessonslearned, and offers insights into howthe Fellowship can continue tosupport young leaders in the years tocome.We hope that this report serves as asource of inspiration for current andfuture Millennium Fellows, and as atestament to the transformativepower of youth leadership inachieving the SDGs.Millennium FellowshipPage 032023 Impact Report Year in Review

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Uniting Studentsfor Global Impact.The report features projectand campus spotlightsshowcasing MillenniumFellows sharing their impactstories, demonstrating howthe Fellowship empowersthem to create positivechange in theircommunities. Millennium Fellow Onyetube Vera (right), University of NigeriaMillennium FellowshipPage 042023 Impact Report Year in Review

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2023 Impact ReportMillennium FellowshipPage 05Millennium FellowshipProgram OverviewProgram OverviewThe application process for the Class of 2023 launched in September 2022 and closed bylate April 2023. Students from across the globe applied online. Applications are reviewed by the Global Admissions Committee. Finalists for the CampusDirector position are invited for an interview.Application cycle for the Class of 2023Sep 2022 - Apr 2023May - July 2023Application Review ProcessThe official start of the Fellowship. Selected Millennium Fellows begin their projects andstart engaging in 6 leadership training sessions and convene globally via the annual globalTown Hall . Millennium Fellows engage in a virtual global graduation, hearing from UN officials, globalleaders and each other.Fellowship Launch + Global Town HallAugust 2023November 2023Global GraduationAt the end of the Fellowship, Millennium Fellows submit their project report andevaluations. Millennium Fellows who successfully complete the program receive acertificate of recognition from MCN and the United Nations Academic Impact.December 2023Fellowship Concludes - CertificationAfter graduation, Millennium Fellows become part of the MCN alumni network. FellowshipAlumni continue to advance the SDGs post-graduation and engage through volunteer,mentorship, and social impact opportunities. OngoingAlumni Network

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Osun State UniversityOsogbo, NigeriaEphraim Igbinlola2023 Millennium Fellow“Thanks to the Millennium Fellowship experience,I gained a renewed sense of purpose andmotivation. The experience of working on aproject with like-minded individuals who arepassionate about creating positive change was veryinspiring. It motivated me to keep working hard and to notgive up on my goals.”Millennium FellowshipPage 062023 Impact Report Program Overview

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Millennium FellowshipPage 072023 Impact ReportA record-breakingapplication cycleThe Millennium Fellowship Class of 2023 marked a milestone, with a record-breaking44,000+ young leaders from over 3,300 campuses across 161 nations applying,demonstrating its global appeal and the burgeoning commitment among youth to effectpositive change. The diversity and scale of the applicant pool reflect the global appeal ofits mission to empower emerging leaders. This record participation highlights theurgency among youth to tackle global challenges and signals a promising future for theFellowship in fostering impactful leadership and sustainable change worldwide.Class of 2023 Millennium Fellows at University of Chittagong, Bangladesh

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Friends/FamilySocial MediaStudent organizationUniversity Staff/FacultyOnline SearchMillennium Fellowship WebsiteCurrent/Past Millennium FellowUniversity NewsletterTeam MCN/MCN NewsletterUNAI WebsiteOtherEmail050001000015000200002023 Impact ReportMillennium FellowshipPage 0844,3691613,300+479.6KApplicant to the Class of 2023 NationsCampuses Site sessions in 2023Class of 2023275KUnique visitors in 2023How applicants learnt about the Millennium Fellowship

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Millennium FellowshipPage 09MEET THE CLASS OF 20234,0064,006Millennium Fellows259259Campuses3737Nations2023 Impact ReportMeet theClass of 2023Class of 202355% of Millennium Fellows identify as a person of color,showcasing the rich diversity and inclusivity at the heart of ourfellowship.2,307 Millennium Fellows - or 57.75% from the Class of 2023identify as female. MAJORITY PEOPLE OF COLORMAJORITY PEOPLE OF COLORADVANCING ALL 17 UN SDGSADVANCING ALL 17 UN SDGSEach one of the UN Sustainable Development Goals wasfeatured in one or more projects by Millennium Fellows.MAJORITY FEMALEMAJORITY FEMALE

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Millennium Fellows Igbinedion University, Nigeria

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2023 Impact ReportUnitedStatesPeruChileUnitedKingdomGambiaLiberiaGhanaNigeriaBeninFranceSierraLeoneJamaicaMexicoCountries represented in theMillennium Fellowship Class of 2023

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Class of 2023AustraliaPhilippinesChinaIndiaBangladeshNepalGreeceTürkiyeYemenPakistanEgyptLebanonSouth AfricaBotswanaZimbabweZambiaMalawiTanzaniaKenyaEthiopiaSouth SudanUgandaRwandaCameroon

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Millennium FellowshipPage 132023 Impact ReportKey MetricsProject ImpactProject ImpactThroughout the Millennium Fellowship program, Millennium Fellows undertake aproject that addresses one or more of the United Nations Sustainable DevelopmentGoals (SDGs), applying what they learn in real-time to create tangible social impact.478,145Hours dedicated1,906Unique Projects1,317,141Lives positively impactedIndividual Projects73%Group Projects27%1,39251469of the MillenniumFellowship projectsapplied and receiveda non-profit statusBreakdown ofProject Types27% of the Class of 2023 worked on a Group or Cohort-wide project, whereFellows partner and collaborate on shared goals through their project.of the projects started as a result ofthe Millennium Fellowship64.3%

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Millennium FellowshipPage 142023 Impact Report Project ImpactContinuing68.6%Completed31.4%Millennium Fellows are notstopping their journey after theprogram. Out of the 1,906 projects,1,308 (69%) projects will continueto work and build their MillenniumFellowship projects, while 591(31%)projects completed their set goalsby November 2023.Fellows response to the question: "ProjectStatus as of December 2023"On Project ContinuationOn Partnerships2,130partnerships were formed through theMillennium Fellowship projects.0 100 200 300 400Current/Past Millennium FellowsGovernment agencyIndividualsNearby UniversitiesNon-profit organizationsOtherPrivate CompaniesSchoolsStudent OrganizationsYour UniversityFellows response to the type of partnerships created in 2023.

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Millennium FellowshipPage 152023 Impact Report Project ImpactMillennium Fellows at Ambrose Alli University, Ekpoma in NigeriaMillennium Fellows supportedvulnerable communities andaddressed a range of social andenvironmental challenges andcollectively, they advance all 17 SDGs. On People ServedPrimary Target Audience#Children (up to age 15)422Men (25 & up)107Women (25 & up)223Youth (ages 15-24)1154Specific Target Audience#Elderly/Senior Citizens79Farmers/Agriculturally Based94Homeless39Individuals with Disabilities65Minority Groups192Poverty243Refugees37Rural Populations313Unemployed106

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Millennium FellowshipPage 162023 Impact Report Project ImpactWhat is the primary SDG(s) that you areadvancing?Number ofProjectsPercentage fromTotal ProjectsGOAL 1: No Poverty894.67%GOAL 2: Zero Hunger814.25%GOAL 3: Good Health and Well-being55128.91%GOAL 4: Quality Education40621.30%GOAL 5: Gender Equality1377.19%GOAL 6: Clean Water and Sanitation794.14%GOAL 7: Affordable and Clean Energy180.94%GOAL 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth432.26%GOAL 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure231.21%GOAL 10: Reduced Inequality703.67%GOAL 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities995.19%GOAL 12: Responsible Consumption and Production361.89%GOAL 13: Climate Action1477.71%GOAL 14: Life Below Water201.05%GOAL 15: Life on Land261.36%GOAL 16: Peace and Justice Strong Institutions633.31%GOAL 17: Partnerships to achieve the Goal180.94%Breakdown of Projects by primary Sustainable Development Goals

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Millennium FellowshipPage 172023 Impact ReportKey MetricsThe Millennium Fellowship cultivates values-driven leadership in students,emphasizing empathy, humility, and inclusion. Through six structured on-campustraining sessions, Fellows enhance their leadership skills, collaborate with peers, andreceive constructive feedback. These sessions aim to hone skills and encouragestudents to apply values-driven leadership in their social impact work.TrainingTrainingGrowth in leadership skills from 84.3% to 96.8%.“I have the leadership skills I need to lead others in achieving social impact goals”.12.48%95.6% of Millennium Fellows reported a deepened understanding ofempathy, humility, and inclusion as a result of the Fellowship.“My understanding of empathy, humility, and inclusion has deepened as a result of the Millennium Fellowship”The Millennium Fellows for the Class of 2023 have shown significant improvement in keyleadership and management skills due to the training sessions. Nearly all fellows reportedthat the sessions were highly beneficial for their leadership development and Fellowshipprojects. The emphasis on empathy, humility, and inclusion resonated strongly, with 95-96% indicating a deeper understanding and meaningful reflection on these values.Additionally, the Fellowship has successfully prepared students to lead by example, with97% feeling equipped with the necessary leadership skills to drive social impact.Moreover, the training sessions have been instrumental in enhancing the fellows' abilities tomanage and benefit others through social impact initiatives. With 96% notingimprovements in management skills and the ability to create social impact, the Fellowshiphas provided unique skill acquisition opportunities not available through their universityprograms. This has been crucial in fostering values-driven leadership qualities and practicalskills, enabling fellows to make meaningful contributions to their communities and beyond.95.4% of Fellows found the training sessions and contentuseful for their leadership development.“The fellowship sessions and content provided was useful for my leadership development”“As a result of the Millennium Fellowship, the values of "empathy, humilityand inclusion" have become the guiding principles in all that I do. TheFellowship has given me first-hand experience in launching my own socialimpact initiative and guided me through the entire process through variousinformative training sessions.”Teesha Singh, Millennium FellowUniversity of Delhi, India

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2023 Impact ReportMillennium FellowshipPage 1896.4%96.2%94.2% 94.5%95.4%95.9%96%90.8%96.7%96.8%TrainingOn Values Driven Leadershipagreed that they “have increased my awareness of empathy andhumility in social impact work through the Millennium Fellowship.”agreed that “the Millennium Fellowship has provided meaningfulopportunities to reflect on empathy.”On Usefulness of Training Sessionsagreed that the fellowshipsessions and contentprovided was useful fortheir Fellowship project.of Millennium Fellowsagreed that the sessionsare well facilitated.agreed that the fellowshipsessions & content providedwas useful for theirleadership development.On Skill Developmentof Millennium Fellows agreed that they have improved theirmanagement skills as a result of the Millennium Fellowship.of Millennium Fellows reported that they have gained the skillsnecessary to benefit others through social impact as a result of theMillennium Fellowship.Fellows have reported meaningful opportunities for reflection and growth in key values:Millennium Fellows found the training sessions and content highly beneficial:of Millennium Fellows reported that the Millennium Fellowshipprovided skills they would not have gained at their university.of Millennium Fellows reported that they have the leadership skillsthey need to lead others in achieving social impact goals.of Millennium Fellows reported that they have the teammanagement skills they need to lead others in achieving socialimpact goals, a 12.95% increase form pre-survey results. Millennium Fellows during their training sessions at Enderun Colleges, Philippines

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Campus SpotlightMillennium FellowsIn PeruHear from our MillenniumFellows as they share theirstories of impact,highlighting how theMillennium Fellowship hasempowered them to drivepositive change in theircommunities. Millennium Fellow Onyetube Vera (right), University of NigeriaMillennium FellowshipPage 192023 Impact Report Spotlight

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FELLOWSHIP PROJECT SPOTLIGHTEmpowerEd: Millennium Fellows at Pontificia Universidad Católica del PerúPerú, AmericasEmpowerEd is a projectfocused on reinforcing,sustaining andaccompanying educationthrough free andpersonalized tutoring.Millennium Fellowsprovided children andyoung people withpersonalized tutorship,working with them toidentify their strengths andweaknesses and developtailored learning plans. Theywere able to leveragepartnership with universitiesthat provided learningspaces, tutors, and supportthroughout the semester.EmpowerED built anincredible volunteercommunity of students fromthe five most recognizeduniversities in Peru.Together they conductedresearch, establishedpartnerships, and workedside by side with professorsand school authorities toreach hundreds of youngpeople. They say they“believe that every studenthas the potential to achievegreat things, and arecommitted to providingthem with the support theyneed to do so.”

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Millennium FellowshipPage 212023 Impact ReportChannels for Global Peer ConnectionMillennium Fellows connect with peers globally and on campus through various channelsdesigned to foster engagement, learning, and collaboration:1- Community Events: Two main community events serve as significant milestones for theprogram, allowing fellows to meet the entire cohort. The Town Hall event marks thebeginning of the program, while the Fellowship Global Graduation concludes it, celebratingthe fellows' achievements and fostering a sense of community.2- Global Webinar Series: The Millennium Fellowship Webinar series facilitatesintergenerational dialogue to inform and inspire fellows. For 45 to 60 minutes, fellowsengage with professionals in the social impact sector. In 2023, the series featured 28speakers and attracted over 5,000 attendees to live global webinars, providing valuableinsights and networking opportunities.Key MetricsMillennium Fellows develop new connections by establishing a Fellowship cohort oncampus, engaging with our global community, attending global webinars, andleveraging networking opportunities inherent to community work. These interactionsare designed to build a supportive network among fellows and provide opportunitiesfor professional and personal growth.ConnectionsConnections94.86% of Millennium Fellows agreed that "I have built newrelationships with my peers through this program."93.9% of Millennium Fellows consider "[their] peers - otherMillennium Fellows - an important part of [their] futureprofessional network."Millennium Fellows at Miranda House, India

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Georgia Institute of TechnologyGeorgia, United States Megan Jermak2023 Millennium Fellow“I believe the biggest change I experienced as a resultof the Millennium Fellowship is a realization of thenumber of sustainable and equitable career optionsavailable to young professionals. It is easy to feel like the only path forward is acorporate 9-5, which is based on profit rather thanpositive impact. However, through the MillenniumFellowship, I have enjoyed hearing about other'scareer paths and initiatives.”Millennium FellowshipPage 222023 Impact Report Connections

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Millennium FellowshipPage 2393.9%94.9%Connection to Peersof Millennium Fellows agreed that "[they] feel strongly connected topeers on [their] campus who are also doing social impact work."of Millennium Fellows agreed that agreed that "[they] have built newrelationships with [their] peers through this program."Millennium Fellows have reported strong connections with their peers:“Before the Millennium Fellowship, I often felt isolatedand alone in my work and goals. But, through theprogram, I've been able to connect with like-mindedindividuals from all over the world. These connections havegiven me a greater sense of community and belonging. Inow know that I'm not alone, and that there are manyothers working towards similar goals. This has given me arenewed sense of hope and purpose. I feel more connectedto the world and more confident in my ability to make apositive impact.”Emmanuel Nwankwo, Millennium FellowUniversity of Ibadan, Nigeria 87.6%of Millennium Fellows consider "[their] peers - other MillenniumFellows - an important part of [their] future professional network."2023 Impact Report Connections3- SDG Conversation Hours: Every Saturday, Millennium Fellows convene virtually for 90minutes to discuss specific Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). These conversationsfocus on fostering close ties with communities, peace, intercultural dialogue, and the role ofyoung people in addressing these challenges. These sessions provide a platform for fellowsto share experiences and strategies, enhancing their global perspectives.4- Campus Connections: Fellows also connect with each other on campus, establishing aFellowship cohort that promotes collaboration and support within their local communities.These on-campus connections are crucial for building a supportive network and fosteringteamwork among fellows.

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Millennium FellowshipPage 24Resource/OpportunityCount ofFellowsPercentage ofResponsesLearned about new kinds of work in the social impact sector2,99214.05%Career knowledge about the social impact sector2,60712.24%Mentorship2,50411.76%Gained beneficial contacts for your project2,28810.75%Contacts with my university institution2,21610.41%Career advice in the social impact sector2,16710.18%Connections to global communities1,4917.00%Contacts with local initiatives1,4206.67%Contacts with local nonprofits1,3776.47%Financial support for your project or collective action7763.64%Contacts with local businesses7243.40%Connection leading to a part-time and/ortemporary paid employment opportunity4081.92%Connection leading to a full-time paid employment opportunity2361.11%Other680.32%None170.08%Access to Resources and OpportunitiesMillennium Fellows accessed a variety of resources and opportunities as a result of theMillennium Fellowship:The 2023 Millennium Fellowship cohort has greatly benefited from the program'snetworking and connection opportunities. Fellows reported high satisfaction with theirpeer connections, both on campus and globally, and built valuable relationships that areseen as integral to their future professional networks. The Fellowship also boosted theirconfidence and influence, empowering them to contribute effectively to social impact goalsand inspire their communities. Additionally, fellows accessed a wide range of resources,from career knowledge and beneficial contacts to mentorship and financial support,preparing them for future leadership roles in the social impact sector.2023 Impact Report Connections

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Millennium FellowshipPage 252023 Impact ReportKey MetricsMORE VIDEOSPRESSFELLOWSHIP BLOGMillennium Fellows experienced a significant boost in the visibility and recognition of theirprojects. With 94.06% of fellows reporting that their projects were elevated or made morevisible, the program successfully enhanced the prominence of their initiatives. This visibilitywas further supported by news articles, press releases on campuses, and features on socialmedia and media outlets like NASDAQ, University World News.Millennium Fellows were showcased on various platforms, providing them with broaderrecognition. Additionally, the Millennium Fellowship website offers each fellow apersonalized profile with a unique URL, serving as a valuable digital asset for sharing theirwork and networking with student leaders, supporters, and funders.Furthermore, the Fellowship significantly boosted fellows' confidence, with 96.56% feelingmore confident in their ability to contribute to social impact goals. This confidence,combined with increased visibility, empowers fellows to pursue ambitious goals andpositions them as influential leaders capable of inspiring and mobilizing their communities.GLOBAL WEBINARSPUBLIC PROFILESCredentialsCredentialsMillennium Fellow who complete all the graduation requirements receive acertificate of recognition from the United Nations Academic Impact and MCN,acknowledging their efforts and achievements.96.56% of Millennium Fellows agreed that "I am more confident thatI can effectively contribute to social impact goals as a result of theMillennium Fellowship."94.06% of Millennium Fellows agreed that “Being a MillenniumFellow has elevated or made more visible [their] project on campus orin [their] community.” Explore: Millennium Fellows on the grid

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2023 Impact Report2023 Global Town Hall 2023 Global GraduationCredentialsMillennium Fellowship Community EventsMillennium FellowshipPage 2696.6%96.5%Confidence and Influenceof Millennium Fellows agreed that "[they are] more confident that[they] can effectively contribute to social impact goals as a result of theMillennium Fellowship."of Millennium Fellows agreed that agreed that "[they] can influencepeople around [them] to make a difference in [their] community." Fellows have expressed increased confidence and influence as a result of the Fellowship:8.41% increase from pre-surveyHuu Phuong An Bui“I feel more confident about what Iwant to do and how I want to do it. TheMillennium Fellowship provided mewith an opportunity to deepen myperspective on global issues and fostergreater empathy and understanding ofdifferent cultures and approaches toproblem-solving,” 2023 Millennium FellowNortheastern University, United States, Americas

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Campus CoverageMillennium FellowshipPage272023 Impact Report CredentialsThe Millennium Fellowship Class of 2023 has received extensive press coverage fromcampuses worldwide. Universities and colleges announced their students' selection asMillennium Fellows, highlighting their commitment to global leadership and communityimpact. This recognition underscores both the Fellows' potential and the supportive academicenvironments fostering future social impact leaders.

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Millennium FellowshipPage 282023 Impact Report Credentials

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Campus SpotlightMillennium FellowsIn the USHear from our MillenniumFellows as they share theirstories of impact,highlighting how theMillennium Fellowship hasempowered them to drivepositive change in theircommunities.Millennium FellowshipPage 292023 Impact Report Spotlights

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Teaming up with NYUShanghai's Green Club,Caitlin and Korrinaorganized a unique trashfashion show. 34designers, includingthemselves, created 28stunning outfits using onlytrash collected around theschool and its surroundings.Discarded materials likescrap metal, single-useplastics, boxes, fabric scraps,and old clothing were givena new lease on life. Inspired by the vast amountof waste generated oncampus, especially duringevents, the project aimedto promote responsibleconsumption, production,and climate action. Withinjust two weeks, thedesigners' call for actionresulted in a significantcollection of reusable wastefor the show's spectacular,sustainable runway.FELLOWSHIP PROJECT SPOTLIGHTProject: Trash Fashion ShowNew York University, ShanghaiChina, Americas

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Millennium FellowshipPage 312023 Impact ReportKey MetricsCareer ExposureCareer ExposureThe Millennium Fellowship provides exposure to careers in the social impact sector,helping fellows understand potential career paths and connect with professionalsin the field. This can lead to internships, job opportunities, and further educationalpursuits in related areas .Millennium Fellows Career Preparedness increased from 83.77% to 94.19%.“I am prepared to enter my career ofchoice after I graduate.”10.42%Pursuit of Social Impact Careers increased from 75.89% to 89.88%."I am likely to pursue a career in socialimpact."13.99%The Millennium Fellowship has had a profound impact on the career trajectories of the2023 cohort. Fellows reported a significant increase in career preparedness, with 94.19%feeling ready to enter their career of choice after graduation, a 10.42% improvement fromthe pre-survey. This readiness is further supported by 93.93% of fellows stating that theFellowship has helped them become more prepared for a career in social impact.A strong inclination towards social impact careers emerged as a key theme. Post-surveydata shows that 89.88% of fellows are likely to pursue a career in social impact, reflecting a13.99% increase. Similarly, 87.14% of fellows are more likely to pursue a career in socialimpact as a direct result of the Fellowship, demonstrating the program's effectiveness inguiding fellows towards impactful career paths.The Fellowship also inspired entrepreneurial ambitions among the fellows, with 85.79%planning to start a social entrepreneurship organization, a notable 14.24% increase from thepre-survey. This entrepreneurial spirit aligns with the Fellowship’s emphasis on innovationand leadership in the social impact sector.Additionally, 91.46% of fellows feel more prepared to pursue a career in social impact due tothe Fellowship, and 96.43% plan to continue advancing the Sustainable DevelopmentGoals (SDGs) after completing the Fellowship. This commitment to the SDGs underscoresthe long-term impact of the program on fellows' professional and personal development.

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Millennium FellowshipPage 322023 Impact Report Career Exposure94.2%93.9%Career Preparednessof Millennium Fellows agreed that "[they are] prepared to enter [their]career of choice after [they] graduate."of Millennium Fellows agreed that agreed that "The MillenniumFellowship has helped me become more prepared for a career insocial impact."Millennium Fellows reported a significant increase in their readiness to enter their chosencareers:10.42% increase from pre-survey89.9%87.1%Pursuit of Social Impact Careersof Millennium Fellows agreed that "[they are] likely to pursue a careerin social impact."of Millennium Fellows agreed that agreed that "[They are] more likelyto pursue a career in social impact as a result of the MillenniumFellowship."The Fellowship has greatly influenced fellows' intentions to pursue careers in social impact:13.99% increase from pre-survey91.5%of Millennium Fellows agreed that agreed that "[They are] moreprepared to pursue a career in social impact as a result of theMillennium Fellowship."96.4%of Millennium Fellows agreed that agreed that "[They] plan tocontinue finding ways to advance the Sustainable Development Goalsafter completing this Fellowship.”37.3%of Millennium Fellows answered yes to the question: "Did thisprogram change your plans for what you will do after graduatingfrom university?”

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Campus SpotlightMillennium FellowsIn KenyaMillennium FellowshipPage 332023 Impact Report Spotlight

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Lawrence, Zainab, Churchilland Faraj noticed rampaintpollution in their city;Mombasa, Kenya andtogether they set out to finda solution. As MillenniumFellows they launched the‘Twende Green project’ -which translates to ‘Let’s GoGreen.’ The team got towork, designing,prototyping, and buildingdesks from upcycledplastic waste dumpedinto the Indian Ocean. Thedesks are durable andcomfortable for learners.They hope that in the long-term, their project willnot only tackle the problemof local plastic pollution butalso provide a moreconducive learningenvironment for schoolgoing students in the city.Through collaborationwith different partnersand the Mombasa countygovernment, the TwendeGreen project hasreceived support tosupply desks to differentschools. The team has alsoset up ‘Twende GreenClubs’ in partner schoolswith the aim of empoweringyoung people to becomeeco warriors.FELLOWSHIP PROJECT SPOTLIGHTProject Green Fix: Technical University of MombasaKenya, Africa

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Millennium FellowshipPage 352023 Impact ReportClass of 2023Overall ExperienceOverall Experience96%of Millennium Fellows recommend the program.“I would recommend this program to a friend who is in a membershipor leadership position similar to mine.“The Millennium Fellowship is a leadership development program that aims to empowerstudent leaders to advance the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) intheir communities. The Class of 2023 expressed overwhelmingly positive sentiments abouttheir experience in the program. A key highlight is that 95.96% of fellows would recommendthe program to peers in similar leadership positions. This strong endorsement underscoresthe Fellowship's value and impact on its participants.Further metrics illustrate the high level of satisfaction among the fellows. When asked, "On ascale of 1-10, how likely would you recommend being a Campus Director to a friend whois in a membership or leadership position similar to yours?", the average response ratingwas 9. This indicates that the leadership roles within the program are particularly well-regarded and beneficial.Fellows also expressed high satisfaction with the management of the Fellowship program,with 94.23% agreeing that they are satisfied with how well the program is managed. Thisreflects the effective organization and support provided throughout the Fellowship,contributing to a positive overall experience.Moreover, the sense of respect and value felt by the fellows is significant, with 95.98%agreeing that they feel valued and treated with respect as Millennium Fellows. Thisrespectful and supportive environment is crucial for fostering a positive and empoweringexperience for all participants.

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Millennium Fellows at Rwanda Institute for Conservation Agriculture, Rwanda

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Millennium FellowshipPage 372023 Impact ReportKehinde Adebiyi, NigeriaMillennium Fellow, Class of 2018“Reflecting on my journey, I see a transformation froma passionate but naive individual to a capablechangemaker, equipped to lead and mentor otheraspiring leaders. Today, I proudly identify as aScientist, Educator, Global Citizen, and Policy Maker,all of which began with the Millennium Fellowship. Thistransformative journey is not unique to me; it resonateswith thousands of Millennium Fellows worldwide.” Alumni SpotlightAlumniMillennium Fellowship alumni are driving significant impact, with 87% sharing that theirwork contributes to social impact. Here, we highlight two remarkable alumni whoseefforts and advocacy exemplify the transformative power of the Millennium Fellowship.Danielle  Mikaelian,  a  Millennium  Fellow  in  2020  at  ColumbiaUniversity,  spearheaded  the  Wonder  Woman  Project,  spotlightinginternational  gender  disparities.  The  Millennium  Fellowshipunderscored the importance of using one's platform to elevate others'stories. Post-fellowship, Danielle launched Columbia's Women in Lawand  Politics  Journal  as Editor-in-Chief  and  was  named  Columbia's2021 Student of the Year. Continuing her advocacy, Danielle is now astudent  at  Harvard  Law  School,  and  is  committed  to  promotinggender  equality  and  empowering  others  through  her  continuedadvocacy and mentorship.Odinaka Kingsley Obeta, a Millennium Fellow in 2019, has dedicatedthe past six years to the fight against malaria. Witnessing the loss ofunborn babies to malaria parasitaemia spurred him into action. Duringthe Millennium Fellowship program, he founded  the Block MalariaAfrica  Initiative,  now  a  registered  intervention  supporting  at-riskcommunities in Nigeria. Odinaka's advocacy extends to his role as theWest  African  Lead  of  the  African  Leaders  Malaria  Alliance  YouthAdvisory Council and as a malaria champion with MalariaNoMoreUK.His work emphasizes youth involvement in achieving the SustainableDevelopment Goals and advancing public health. Read more here. 

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Millennium FellowshipPage 382023 Impact ReportKey PartnershipsKey PartnershipsThe Millennium Fellowship Class of 2023 benefited from several key partnershipsthat enriched their experience and provided valuable resources. Below are thedetails of these partnerships:Schmidt Futures: With support from Schmidt Futures, over 900 emergingtechnologists in the Millennium Fellowship Class of 2023 had the opportunity toexplore the role of technology in social impact through case studies, networkvirtually with industry leaders, and learn from each other. 17 Rooms Initiative: A partnership between the Center for Sustainable Developmentat Brookings and The Rockefeller Foundation, 17 Rooms is an experimental methodfor advancing the economic, social, and environmental priorities embedded in theworld’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). MCN launched a pilot of the 17Rooms Initiative across 50 campuses, engaging 500+ participated in 17 nations.The Center for Expanding Leadership & Opportunity (CELO): MCN partnered withCELO to introduce the The Leadership Development Index, a digital assessment toolthat measures leadership capacities to accelerate personal and professional growth,to 100 Millennium Fellows to learn more about their leadership capacities.SIMA Academy: MCN partnered with SIMA Academy to provide free platform accessto Millennium Fellows to empower Fellows in integrating captivating films into theirsocial impact work. MCN also hosted SIMA Academy on a workshop on VisualStorytelling to Millennium Fellows on how to tell your story effectively to make animpact.DailyChatter: DailyChatter is the largest independent newsletter devoted exclusivelyto world news, with more than 400,000 subscribers in 72 countries. MCN partneredwith DailyChatter to provide free access to Millennium Fellows for the Class of 2023and to Alumni of the Millennium Fellowship program.Rise: MCN partnered with Rise to identify promising 15 -17 year-olds worldwide andprovide them with support for life. As a way of giving back, Millennium Fellowsvolunteered to share Rise with young leaders in their community.

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Campus SpotlightMillennium FellowsIn UgandaMillennium FellowshipPage 392023 Impact Report Spotlights

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Delafrique, along with ateam of two MillenniumFellows, launched aglobal health project thathas innovated VEP: anantiseptic, film-formingwound spray made fromlocally sourced materials.This anitiseptic ensuresaffordability for users andcustomers. As a spray, VEPreduces direct woundcontact, minimizingcontamination. This herbalformulation draws onmedicinal plants traditionallyused for wound treatment,including Bidens pilosa(blackjack) and Aloe vera. VEP is designed for acuteburns, bruises, cuts, chronicwounds, and infectionprevention. The team's goal is to reducewound-related hyper-sensitivity, microbialresistance, andcontamination in Ugandaby 30% by 2026. Bycreating a cost-effectivewound spray, they aim toexpand the market, makingthis essential treatmentaccessible to those whocurrently cannot afford it.FELLOWSHIP PROJECT SPOTLIGHTVEP Antiseptic Herbal Wound Spray Formulation:Mbarara University of Science and TechnologyUganda, Africa

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Millennium FellowshipPage 412023 Impact ReportImpact ReportAppendixAppendixRefer to the Appendix sectionfor the roster of speakers forthe 2023 Fellowship and adetailed list of the campusesinvolved this year.

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Millennium FellowshipPage 422023 Impact Report AppendixA word cloud showcasingMillennium Fellows'responses to summarizingtheir Fellowshipexperience in a singleword.

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Millennium FellowshipPage 432023 Impact ReportTHANK YOUAppendixWe extend our heartfelt gratitude to all the speakers and participants of the communityevents and global webinars. Your invaluable insights and dedication to connecting withMillennium Fellows have greatly enriched their experience and inspired them to drivesocial impact.

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Millennium FellowshipPage 442023 Impact Report Appendix

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Campuses in AfricaBeninUniversity of Abomey-CalaviBotswanaUniversity of Botswana GaboroneCameroonUniversity of BamendaUniversity of BueaEgyptCairo UniversityEthiopiaAddis Ababa UniversityAddis Ababa University Sidist Kilo CampusAddis Ababa University Tikur Anbessa CampusHawassa UniversityMyungsung Medical CollegeSt. Paul's Hospital Millennium Medical CollegeGambiaUniversity of the GambiaGhanaAshesi UniversityKwame Nkrumah University of Science and TechnologySDD University of Business and Integrated Development StudiesUniversity for Development StudiesUniversity of Education WinnebaUniversity of GhanaUniversity of Health and Allied SciencesUniversity of Professional Studies AccraKenyaAmref International UniversityCatholic University of Eastern AfricaDaystar UniversityDedan Kimathi University of TechnologyJomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and TechnologyKabarak UniversityKenyatta UniversityKirinyaga UniversityMaasai Mara UniversityMaseno UniversityMasinde Muliro University of Science and TechnologyMount Kenya UniversityPioneer International UniversityRiara UniversityRongo UniversityStrathmore UniversityTechnical University of KenyaTechnical University of MombasaUnited States International University AfricaUniversity of Nairobi CAE CampusUniversity of Nairobi Chiromo CampusUniversity of Nairobi Kenyatta National Hospital CampusUniversity of Nairobi Main CampusUniversity of Nairobi Parklands CampusUniversity of Nairobi Upper Kabete CampusLiberiaAfrican Methodist Episcopal UniversityMalawiKamuzu University of Health SciencesMalawi University of Business and Applied SciencesMalawi University of Science and TechnologyMzuzu UniversityUniversity of Malawi Chancellor CollegeNigeriaAbubakar Tafawa Balewa University Gubi CampusAbubakar Tafawa Balewa University Yelwa CampusAdekunle Ajasin UniversityAfe Babalola UniversityAhmadu Bello UniversityAmbrose Alli University EkpomaAmbrose Alli University IrruaBabcock UniversityBayero University AKTH CampusBayero University New CampusBayero University Old CampusBells University of TechnologyBenue State UniversityBingham UniversityBowen UniversityCovenant UniversityEkiti State UniversityEnugu State University of Science and TechnologyFederal University DutseFederal University of Agriculture AbeokutaFederal University of LafiaFederal University of Technology AkureFederal University of Technology Minna Gidan Kwano CampusFederal University of Technology OwerriGombe State UniversityIgbinedion UniversityJos University Teaching HospitalKoladaisi UniversityLadoke Akintola University of TechnologyLagos State UniversityMichael Okpara University of AgricultureNiger Delta UniversityNnamdi Azikiwe University Agulu CampusNnamdi Azikiwe University Awka campusNnamdi Azikiwe University Nnewi CampusObafemi Awolowo UniversityOlabisi Onabanjo University SagamuOsun State University OsogboRivers State UniversityTaraba State UniversityUniversity of AbujaUniversity of BeninUniversity of CalabarUniversity of IbadanUniversity of Ibadan University College Hospital

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Campuses in Africa (cont'd)Nigeria (continued)University of IlorinUniversity of Ilorin College of Health SciencesUniversity of JosUniversity of Jos Permanent SiteUniversity of LagosUniversity of Lagos College of MedicineUniversity of MaiduguriUniversity of Nigeria Enugu CampusUniversity of Port Harcourt Abuja CampusUniversity of UyoYobe State UniversityRwandaAfrican Leadership UniversityRwanda Institute for Conservation AgricultureUniversity of Rwanda Busogo CampusUniversity of Rwanda Huye CampusUniversity of Rwanda Nyarugenge CampusUniversity of Rwanda Rwamagana CampusSierra LeoneFourah Bay CollegeSouth AfricaUniversity of KwaZulu-NatalUniversity of the Western CapeSouth SudanUniversity of JubaTanzaniaMuhimbili University of Health and Allied SciencesUniversity of Dar es SalaamUgandaGulu UniversityKampala International UniversityKyambogo UniversityLira UniversityMakerere UniversityMakerere University Business School Nakawa CampusMbarara University of Science and Technology KihumuroMbarara University of Science and Technology TownNkumba UniversityUganda Christian UniversityZambiaCavendish University ZambiaCopperbelt University Medical SchoolLevy Mwanawasa Medical UniversityMulungushi UniversityUniversity of Zambia Great East Road CampusUniversity of Zambia Ridgeway CampusZimbabweHarare Institute of TechnologyNational University of Science and TechnologyUniversity of ZimbabweSUMMARYSUMMARY19CampusesFellows139 2,230Countries

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Campuses in AsiaBangladeshAsian University for WomenBangladesh University of ProfessionalsDhaka International UniversityIndependent University BangladeshNorth South UniversityShahjalal University of Science & TechnologyUniversity of ChittagongChinaBeijing Foreign Studies UniversityDuke Kunshan UniversityNew York University ShanghaiThe Hong Kong Polytechnic UniversityThe University of Hong KongIndiaAhmedabad UniversityAmity University MumbaiAmity University RaipurAshoka UniversityBangalore Medical College and Research InstituteBharati Vidyapeeth Deemed UniversityChrist (Deemed to be University) Bannerghatta CampusChrist (Deemed to be University) Central CampusChrist (Deemed to be University) Delhi NCR CampusChrist (Deemed to be University) Kengeri CampusChrist (Deemed to be University) Yeshwanthpur CampusCochin University of Science and TechnologyDamodaram Sanjivayya National Law UniversityDelhi Technological UniversityDr. Bhanuben Nanavati College of Architecture for WomenDr. Ram Manohar Lohiya National Law UniversityFLAME UniversityGovernment Model Engineering CollegeIndian Institute of Technology KharagpurIndian Institute of Technology MadrasIndira Gandhi Delhi Technical University for WomenIndraprastha College for WomenInstitute of Chemical Technology Mumbai CampusJamia Millia IslamiaMiranda HouseIndia (continued)National Institute of TechnologyKarnatakaNational Institute of Technology SrinagarNational Law University DelhiNational University of Study andResearch in LawO.P. Jindal Global UniversityPES UniversityPlaksha UniversityProf. Rajendra Singh (Rajju Bhaiya)UniversityRajiv Gandhi National University of LawSai UniversitySri Sivasubramaniya Nadar College ofEngineeringStella Maris CollegeSymbiosis Centre for ManagementStudies PuneSymbiosis Law School NoidaSymbiosis Law School PuneTKM College of EngineeringUniversity of Delhi North CampusUniversity of Delhi South CampusUniversity of KashmirUniversity of MumbaiVisvesvaraya National Institute ofTechnology NagpurXIM University

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Campuses in Asia (cont'd)LebanonAmerican University of BeirutLebanese American University BeirutLebanese American University ByblosNepalAgriculture and Forestry UniversityPatan Academy of Health SciencesPakistanAir University KamraBahria UniversityFatima Jinnah Women UniversityInternational Islamic University IslamabadNational Defence UniversityNational University of Medical SciencesNational University of Sciences & TechnologyNational University of Sciences & TechnologyRawalpindi CampusPak-Austria Fachhochschule Institute of AppliedSciences and TechnologyPakistan Institute of Engineering & Applied SciencesSukkur IBA UniversityUniversity of Agriculture FaisalabadUniversity of Engineering and Technology TaxilaUniversity of SargodhaPhilippinesEnderun CollegesYemen21 September University of Medical & Applied SciencesAl-Razi UniversitySUMMARYSUMMARY8CampusesFellows811,386Countries

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Campuses in AmericasChilePontificia Universidad Católica de ChileJamaicaUniversity of the West Indies MonaMexicoOpen University of MexicoUniversidad de MonterreyPeruPontificia Universidad Católica del PerúUnited StatesArizona State UniversityColumbia UniversityCornell UniversityDuke UniversityFlorida Gulf Coast UniversityFlorida International UniversityGeorgia Institute of TechnologyLynn UniversityMinerva UniversityMoravian UniversityNew York UniversityNortheastern UniversityPace University New York CityPace University PleasantvilleSalisbury UniversitySpelman CollegeThe Ohio State UniversityUniversity of California BerkeleyUniversity of New EnglandUniversity of PennsylvaniaUniversity of Texas at DallasYale UniversitySUMMARYSUMMARY5CampusesFellows27247Countries

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Campuses in EuropeFranceSciences Po Le HavreSciences Po MentonSciences Po ReimsGreeceDeree The American College of GreeceTürkiyeÇağ UniversityKoç UniversityManisa Celal Bayar UniversityMiddle East Technical UniversityUnited KingdomUniversity College LondonUniversity of CambridgeCampuses in OceaniaAustraliaGriffith UniversityUniversity of Melbourne ParkvilleSUMMARYSUMMARY4Countries10Campuses128FellowsSUMMARYSUMMARY1CampusesFellows215Country

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The Millennium Fellowship is a leadershipdevelopment program presented by theUnited Nations Academic Impact (UNAI)and MCN. Learn more about the programat: